Using your "Hat Jack"
- Lay Hat Jack on flat surface, labels up (wood forms are tapered).
- Twist center handle to approximate hat size.
- Place in hat, labels up, center handel parallel to crease in hat crown.
- Tighten handle to snug fit - Hat is ready for storage
- Always rest hat on Crown, Brim up.
If size increase is desired:
- Repeat above steps.
- Using teapot or pan with lid slightly ajar, boil clean water, then reduce heat to produce steady flow of steam.
- Holding " Hat Jack" Handle, direct steam evenly to outside of band area.
- Twist handle to stretch hat to desired size while applying steam.
Do not over stretch any hat - 1/4 size maximum. (Example 7 to 7 1/4.)
5. Allow hat to cool & dry 20 - 30 minutes before removing Hat Jack.
6. Repeat if hat shrinks until hat maintains desired size and fit.